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HOPES Community Food Outreach

HOPES Community Advocates assist individuals in applying for SNAP benefits, and those who receive assistance can also access the free Food Pantry at the Family Resource Center in Hoboken. Additionally, HOPES Community Programs organizes free food distributions in Plainfield and Somerset, supported by community partners, volunteers, and the full engagement of the agency's staff.

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Los defensores comunitarios de HOPES ayudan a las personas a solicitar los beneficios de SNAP, y quienes reciben asistencia también pueden acceder a la despensa de alimentos gratuita en el Family Resource Center en Hoboken. Además, los programas comunitarios de HOPES organizan distribuciones de alimentos gratuitas en Plainfield y Somerset, con el apoyo de socios comunitarios, voluntarios y la plena participación del personal de la agencia.

Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), National Council on Aging and Hudson County Area Agency on Aging (HCAAA), Individual Donors

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HOPES Community Action Partnership, Incorporated (HOPES CAP, Inc.)

Serving Hudson, Union, and Somerset Counties, New Jersey

1-855-OK-HOPES (1-855-654-6737) 

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This website is funded by the following grants: Grant #02CH012156 from the Office of Head Start and Grant #2025-05235-0056-00 from the Office of Community Services, both part of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is also supported by Grant #CH-010297-HDS from the Food and Nutrition Service within the U.S. Department of Agriculture; Grant #ROSS221747-01-00 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Grant #25VITA0100 from the Internal Revenue Service within the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


Neither the Administration for Children and Families, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, nor the Department of the Treasury (nor any of the divisions of the federal agencies) operate, control, or endorse this website, including without limitation, the website's content, technical infrastructure, policies, and any services or tools it provides. The views, opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed on this website are solely those of HOPES CAP, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect those of the above-mentioned federal agencies.

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