Bimonthly Family Game Night:
Strengthen the bonds of families and friendship
Fun filled night of games and activities
A theme or holiday focus, such as Giving Thanks, Winter Wonderland, etc.
Check out our calendar for the next event
Special Programming:
Educational opportunities for teenage youth
Workshops, hands-on activities, and discussion groups
Currently, HOPES offers:
Leadership in Training (LIT) club in Hoboken*
College Readiness in Plainfield*
*Opportunities subject to change depending on funding sources.
Contact Us About Game Night and Special Programming
Hudson County
Barbara Reyes
Community Programs Supervisor
1-855-OK-HOPES ext 1012
Mary Caldwell
Community Programs Specialist
1-855-OK-HOPES ext 1108
Union and Somerset Counties
Adrianna Machado
Community Programs Advocate
1-855-OK-HOPES ext 1016
Funded by Hoboken Family Alliance and generous donors. Sponsored in part by Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro & Freeholder Anthony Romano.