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Our Goal: $5,000

Your support can change lives. HOPES CAP, Inc. is dedicated to uplifting families and individuals through education, resources, and community programs. By donating today, you’re helping us extend these vital services to even more people in need.
Every donation—no matter the size—brings us closer to a brighter future for our community.

Together, we can create opportunities and hope!

Facebook pays all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to HOPES.

To learn more, follow and engage with us on

Facebook @HOPESCAPInc, and Instagram @HOPESCAPINC 

with your stories about why you support HOPES, using the tags #GivingTuesday and #HOPESRising. Spread the word to family and friends!

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HOPES Community Action Partnership, Incorporated (HOPES CAP, Inc.)

Sirviendo a los condados de Hudson, Union y Somerset, New Jersey

1-855-OK-HOPES (1-855-654-6737) 

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