Ayudamos a personas y familias en los condados de Hudson, Union y Somerset, New Jersey
HOPES Community Action Partnership, Incorporated
Licitaciones Abiertas
HOPES no acepta licitaciones no solicitadas. Si desea recibir una notificación cuando se abra una licitación, complete el formulario de contacto para agregarse a nuestra lista de correo electrónico.
Agency: HOPES Community Action Partnership, Incorporated (HOPES CAP, Inc.)
Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt, Community Action Agency
Fecha de publicación:
February 11, 2025
Su propuesta deberá abordarse de la siguiente manera:
Emailed proposals shall be sent to Lharbac@Hopes.org with “Copier Services” in the subject line.
Fecha de presentación:
April 1, 2025
No Later Than: 4:00 PM
HOPES CAP, Inc. is requesting proposals for Copier Services for the properties specified. If you are interested in bidding an intent to bid response is requested and due April 1, 2025.
Proposals received after the due date will be rejected. The proposal offer acknowledges the right of HOPES CAP to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality in any proposal received.